About Circles
Circles of Troup County works with people who are motivated to move out of poverty and matches them with middle- and high-income volunteers who can support and encourage them on their journey.
Since 2012, Circles has been providing weekly meetings and classes for participants (we call them Circle Leaders) and volunteers (we call them Allies). Beginning with a 12-week class, we teach skills, goal-setting and financial literacy specifically designed for people who don’t make enough money.
After completing the 12-week class, each person/family is matched with volunteers as well as continuing to attend weekly meetings with others working toward the same financial goals. Over time, these relationships help families achieve financial stability.
At the same time, Circles offers unique experiential workshops to help community members understand barriers in the community that keep people from getting ahead. Poverty simulations are one of the most popular events, but Circles staff and volunteers also present interactive workshops on hidden rules of economic class and the racial wealth gap. These tools help equip employers, community members and churches to reduce the barriers and help eliminate poverty in our community.