Poverty Learning Lab
Understanding the complex issues and framework of poverty is an empowering tool to begin changing a community. Circles of Troup County offers interactive and experiential workshops to help your organization understand poverty and begin to make decisions to improve relationships across socioeconomic groups.
Poverty Simulation
Poverty is a reality for many individuals and families. But unless you’ve experienced poverty, it’s difficult to truly understand. The Poverty Simulation bridges that gap from misconception to understanding. The interactive immersion experience sensitizes participants to the realities of poverty. It is not a game, but based on real people and their lives.
Circles of Troup has presented this unique tool to more than 2,000 people. The simulation requires 3 hours, for 30-80 participants. Debriefing is designed specifically for the needs of the participating group. The simulation can be combined with other activities for a comprehensive look at poverty.
Socioeconomic class is much more than the amount of money you have. It’s also the clothes you wear, the music you like, the school you go to—and has a strong influence on the ways you interact with others. People from different economic classes have fundamentally different ways of thinking about the world—a fact that should figure into education, business, faith communities, non-profits and the community.
Circles of Troup County provides experiential workshops with interactive activities – from 1 to 3 hours – to help your group understand and respond effectively to people in different socioeconomic classes.
Racial Wealth Gap Learning Simulation
This simulation is an interactive tool that helps people understand the connections among racial equity, hunger, poverty and wealth. It is a good first step for people unaware of structural inequality and a source of information for experts who want to know the quantifiable economic impact of policies that have widened today’s racial hunger and wealth divides.
This learning simulation was created by Bread for the World, a collective Christian organization that works with our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad. The simulation can include a faith-based element for any group.
Request More Information
Contact Sherri Brown at sbrown@troupcountyga.gov